
This parameter sets the contents of the sent e-mail. Keep in mind any formatting specifications for the SMS gateway.

The body text may also contain the following control characters:
Table 1. Applicable control characters
Control characters Meaning
\n CRLF (carriage return, line feed)
\t Tabulator
\xy ASCII code of the corresponding character
Note: You can use these control characters in the subject line, as well as in the text content for e-mail or e-mail2SMS. If the e-mail2SMS provider requires a variable which contains a backslash ("\"), you have to prefix this with another "\". This prevents LCOS from modifying the "\".
You can use the following variables provided that the your e-mail2SMS gateways allows or requires them:
  • $PSpotUserMobileNr for the user's mobile phone number
  • $PSpotPasswd for the user's password generated by the Public Spot
Note: The Public Spot transmits the user's mobile phone number set with the variable $PSpotUserMobileNr without any leading zeros to the SMS gateway. If the SMS gateway expects a certain string for the country code (e.g. "00" or "+"), then enter this prefix in front of the variable.
Telnet path:
Setup > Public-Spot-Module > Authentication-Modules > e-mail2Sms-Authentication
Possible values:

Max. 512 characters from [A-Z][a-z][0-9]#@{|}~!$%&'()*+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_. `


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