
You can also use HTML tags for blocking text if you wish to display different pages depending on the reason why the web site was blocked (e.g. forbidden category or entry in the blacklist).

Enter the text that you wish to use as override text for this language. The following tags can be used as tag values:

<CF-URL/> For the originally forbidden URL that is now allowed.
<CF-CATEGORIES/> For the list of categories that have now been allowed as a result of the override (except if domain override is specified).
<CF-BUTTON/> Displays an override button that forwards the browser to the original URL.
<CF-LINK/> Displays an override link that forwards the browser to the original URL.
<CF-HOST/> or <CF-DOMAIN/> Displays the host or the domain for the allowed URL. The tags are of equal value and their use is optional.

You can use a tag with attributes to display or hide parts of the HTML document: <CF-IF att1 att2> ... </CF-IF>.

Possible attributes are:

CHECKERROR The error occurred while checking the URL.
OVERRIDEERROR The error occurred while approving an override.
<CF-ERROR/> Generates an error message in the event that the override fails.
<CF-DURATION/> Displays the override duration in minutes.

You can use a tag with attributes to display or hide parts of the HTML document: <CF-IF att1 att2> ... </CF-IF>.

Attributes can be:

BLACKLIST If the site was blocked because it is in the profile blacklist.
FORBIDDEN If the site was blocked due to one of its categories.
CATEGORY If the override type is "Category" and the override was successful.
DOMAIN If the override type is "Domain" and the override was successful.
BOTH If the override type is "Category-and-Domain" and the override was successful.
ERROR If the override fails.
OK If either CATEGORY or DOMAIN or BOTH are applicable.

If several attributes are defined in one tag, the section should be displayed if at least one of these conditions is met. All tags and attributes can be abbreviated to the first two letters (e.g. CF-CA or CF-IF BL). This is necessary as the blocking text may only contain a maximum of 254 characters.

<CF-IF CA BO>The categories <CF-CAT/> are</CF-IF><CF-IF BO> in the domain <CF-DO/></CF-IF><CF-IF DO>The domain <CF-DO/> is</CF-IF><CF-IF OK> released for <CF-DU/> minutes.</p><p><CF-LI/></CF-IF><CF-IF ERR>Override error:</p><p><CF-ERR/></CF-IF>
Telnet path:
Setup > UTM > Content-Filter > Global-Settings > Override-Text
Possible values:

Max. 254 characters from [A-Z][a-z][0-9]#@{|}~!$%&'()*+-,/:;<=>?[\]^_. `



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