LMC News

Always up-to-date: New functions
of the LANCOM Management Cloud.

What's new in the LANCOM Management Cloud?

Cloud-based network management alone does not ensure dynamic development – this constantly includes new functions and improvements. With the latest highlights from our cloud development, we show you what we mean by continuous development: At regular intervals, we incorporate new features into the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) to make your cloud experience and thus your daily work even more efficient. To use all the functions of the LANCOM Management Cloud, we always recommend using the latest LCOS release version.

Release Notes

Here you can find an overview of all software releases with new functions, changes, and previous features of the LMC.

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All features at a glance

  • SIEM integration service for cloud-managed LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls

    A man looks anxiously at a screen; the LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls and the LANCOM Management Cloud logo can be seen at the bottom left, and an icon for SIEM is shown in a blue circle at the top right
    Centralized Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system against security threats

    Robust security management is essential, especially for larger organizations and managed service providers (MSPs). A centralized Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system helps organizations detect, analyze, and respond to security threats quickly, preventing damage to business operations.

    We invite you to enhance your SIEM with our integration service for cloud-managed LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls, ensuring comprehensive detection of attacks on your network infrastructure.

    Compliance with market-leading SIEM systems

    Our solution drastically simplifies integration with popular SIEM systems like Microsoft Azure Sentinel, Splunk, Enginsight, Wazuh, and Logpoint. The LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) collects event logs from all managed Unified Firewalls in a network, providing a single endpoint for SIEM systems to retrieve all logs in standard JSON format. This setup ensures quick visibility of network infrastructure attacks, enabling rapid response to threats such as viruses, malware, and DDoS attacks.

    Easy setup with the LANCOM SIEM integration service

    Our experienced support team will assist you with an uncomplicated integration process:

    1. Create a ticket with the LANCOM support team: Open a support ticket and submit the request for the SIEM integration service.
    2. LANCOM support contacts you: Our team prepares the necessary configurations for the Unified Firewalls and the LANCOM Management Cloud.
    3. Receive a security token: After setup, you will receive a security token for secure communication between the LMC and your SIEM system.
    4. Rollout of the configuration: At a time of your choice, you roll out the configuration of your Unified Firewalls via the LMC and update their firmware if needed.
    5. Configure the interface in your SIEM: If required, we provide all the necessary information to retrieve and analyze the logs.

    Technical prerequisites

    1. Your LANCOM R&S®Unified Firewalls (all models) are managed in the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC).
    2. Minimum firmware version:
      - LCOS FX 10.13.6566 (REL) or higher
      - LCOS FX-I 1.0 or higher
    3. The firewalls are assigned to a location and configured as a gateway
    4. You have your Cloud ID or UUID at hand
    5. You have access to the LMC to update the firewalls and roll out the configurations. 

    By integrating cloud-managed Unified Firewalls into your SIEM, you can optimize your security processes and safeguard your IT infrastructure. Our integration service ensures a smooth rollout.

    Get in touch with us today!

  • Full transparency before rollout thanks to configuration comparison

    Display with configuration comparison
    Detailed advance insight into configuration changes

    The practical configuration comparison gives you a detailed insight into the specific changes made by the rollout, particularly to the device configuration. This tool precisely shows you the sections in the device configuration that are overwritten by the LMC rollout configuration. The advantage: you get a clear overview of all changes in your device configuration before the rollout, minimizing risks from unforeseen results. Test this feature in the "Detail Configuration" tab of your routers, access points, or switches!

  • Trusted Internet Access: Mobile working as secure as in the office

    LANCOM Trusted Access in full tunnel mode with security mechanisms on the gateway

    LANCOM Trusted Access (LTA) now supports Full Tunnel operation ("Trusted Internet Access"), allowing all data traffic from connected LTA clients to be routed through the central LTA gateway. The advantage: activated security mechanisms on the gateway, such as Anti-Virus or Content Filter, are also applied to external web / cloud-based applications. Full Tunnel operation can be enabled under Security > LANCOM Trusted Access > Client configuration. Security settings for LTA users can be adjusted in the "LTA users" profile under Security > Profiles. Further information can be found in the FAQs or the tech paper LTA system architecture.

  • Customized device overview using savable table views

    Screenshot of the saved table views in the LANCOM Management Cloud on a notebook
    Better usability for column design in the LMC

    Focus more quickly on what you actually need: You can now customize your device view, including filter settings, to suit your needs using the “Create table view“ button. The views you create are only visible to you and can be saved with an individual name so that you can access them again at any time. For example, move the table columns you are interested in using drag & drop, change the columns to be displayed under “Configure columns“, or filter the view using “Filter by“ to make your daily workflows even more efficient.

  • More comfort with multi-language support for the cloud-managed hotspot

    Left: Woman in the hotel on her cell phone, Right: Screenshot of the cloud-managed hotspot in the LANCOM Management Cloud, Above: Icon with two speech bubbles and a globe
    Seven available languages for your hotspot users

    ”Wifi en español? ¡Por supuesto!” – take full advantage of the language diversity when using the Wi-Fi hotspot via the LMC! Add translations of up to seven languages directly when creating a cloud-managed hotspot under Networks > Add Network > Hotspot Network > Translations. By selecting a default language, your hotspot users will see the preset language and the option to change the language. Simply assign the new hotspot network to the desired sites and your Wi-Fi hotspot will easily be available to visitors in different languages.

  • Precise troubleshooting with direct links to the source of the error

    Screenshot of the LANCOM Management Cloud on a laptop with a magnifying glass view of the new optimized error messages
    Quick navigation to invalid configuration parameters

    The time-consuming search is coming to an end: you can now benefit from optimized error notifications! For example, you can save yourself the laborious task of detecting errors in the event of invalid configuration parameters relating to object IDs (OIDs) in the device configuration. Clicking on the link displayed in the error report takes you directly to the corresponding point in the configuration preview in the detailed configuration of the device. This allows you to identify and localize the source of the error much faster!

  • Easy-to-view site assignment of a network

    Screenshot of the Network menu in the LANCOM Management Cloud and icon with magnifying glass, logo, and connection arrows
    New detailed overview of sites in the "Networks" menu

    At which sites is a particular network used? How can networks be quickly removed from sites? Answers to these questions are now provided by the clear display in the "networks" menu entry. Under "Site count", you can see at a glance how many sites your networks are assigned to. Click on the number to go directly to the new detailed overview "Site" of your selected network. Here you can remove the network assignment of one or more sites at the same time if required. In addition, a warning now appears when you delete a network, informing you if the network is still assigned to at least one site.

  • Central administrator management at organization level

    Person at the laptop and illustration of the LMC user interface with settings for user inheritance
    Administrator inheritance and new "organization viewer" role

    Reduce time-consuming, manual activities when adding or deleting LMC administrators: Activating administrator inheritance gives members of an organization access to the subordinate projects. As the organization administrator, you control this access by selecting a role that is inherited to all subordinate projects in the organization. If you want to give administrators access to all projects but do not want them to have the administrative rights of an organization administrator, simply assign them the new "organization viewer" role under Management > Administrators. For projects in which administrator inheritance should not be activated, this can be excluded under Project specifications > Basic > Project access. All information on the LMC roles and rights can also be found in compact form in the Infopaper.

  • A look back at 2023

    Laptop with LMC Dashboard, icons next to it to visualize the highlight features
    In 2023, many exciting projects with innovative solutions were realized with the LMC. At the same time, we continued to develop and drive forward the capabilities for the management of all network components.

    We would like to use the turn of the year to thank all administrators of the LANCOM Management Cloud. In 2023, many exciting projects with innovative solutions were realized with the LMC. At the same time, we continued to develop and drive forward the capabilities for the management of all network components. These key features are just a few examples:

    • LANCOM Trusted Access – Cloud-managed Secure Network Access
      In addition to the central management of network components, the LMC also enables the secure connection of employees to the company network – from a single source! LANCOM Trusted Access (LTA) offers highly scalable remote access that protects hybrid working, whether as a cloud-managed VPN or based on the innovative Zero Trust principle. Start your onboarding today!
    • Wi-Fi optimization with LANCOM Active Radio Control 2.0
      Best Wi-Fi at the touch of a button: LANCOM Active Radio Control 2.0 (ARC 2.0) predicts the optimization potential of the Wi-Fi network based on real usage data and automatically optimizes channels and channel widths. Discover the full power of ARC 2.0 on our topic page!
    • Efficient switch rollout thanks to centralized port templates
      Network assignments to switch ports are simplified and assigned to the devices "zero-touch". A major efficiency gain, especially with different port assignments at different locations.

    You can already look forward to the further innovations that 2024 has in store for the LANCOM Management Cloud. Thank you for your continued support and trust!

  • Central management of all VPN users via the LMC

    Man at the laptop with LANCOM Management Cloud Dashboard and LANCOM Trusted Access lettering
    LANCOM Trusted Access for small and medium-sized enterprises

    Centralized management of VPN users via the LANCOM Management Cloud (LMC) is also worthwhile for smaller installations. You do not need a user database (Active Directory), but can take immediate advantage of the remote access solution LANCOM Trusted Access: to do this, select the option LMC-managed under Security > LANCOM Trusted Access > User management. Then copy the unique identifier (TXT resource record) from the LMC and paste it into the DNS configuration of your domain. After a brief check, the LMC verifies the domain and once you have entered your users e-mail addresses, you can immediately enable them to use Trusted Access. Discover the LTA tutorials and trial versions today!

Find more information on features of LMC software releases up to version in our Archive document Release Notes.


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To enable us to further develop the LANCOM Management Cloud for your specific needs and requirements, we would like to ask for your feedback.

If you have any suggestions, please use the following feedback form.